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A Guide To At Home Workouts

A Guide To At Home Workouts

Get Fit at Home

Given the current global pandemic we are experiencing, life looks a lot different to many of us. This pandemic has led to all non-essential services closed (gyms being one of them!) which has made at home workouts more necessary now than ever. All of us are practicing social distancing so home workouts give us a way to get in shape, stay in shape or have an outlet for stress relief. Remember, that self-isolation doesn’t mean stagnation! There are so many fun ways to get fit at home!

The first step to getting fit at home is creating your home gym!

home workout

The essentials that I would recommend you invest in are:

A yoga mat

A quality yoga mat will give you proper support when performing exercises lying down or on your hands and knees. Also, look for a mat that is slip resistant if you feel you’ll be doing any type of side to side movement or jumping. Look for mats like this one that are made with natural rubber; they’ll give you enough grip to avoid slipping and will also provide cushioning.

1 large resistance band and a few resistance loops

These are KEY. If you invest in anything, invest in these. They are cost-effective, versatile, convenient and effective! Resistance bands come in multiple different resistance levels. Check out these resistance bands. They are SUPER cute and very high quality! You can also double up bands to increase resistance or give more or less slack to control the difficulty. Another great plus… they take up almost NO space. Roll them up and place them in a basket or hang them on a hook when you’re done!

2 pairs of dumbbells

If you’re thinking of investing in dumbbells I suggest at least 2 pairs. Having a lighter pair and heavier pair of dumbbells will allow you to practice progressive overload. Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed on the body during exercise. This is one of the fundamental principles of strength training and will allow you to make gains in size, strength and endurance!

bodyweight workout

IF you are not in a position to purchase a few things but still want to workout at home, DON’T WORRY!

There are so many household items that can be used to help you increase the difficulty of your workouts! You can substitute:

  • Towels for slider discs
  • Water jugs, water bottles or canned goods as weights
  • Use the stairs in your house as a stepper to perform step ups, box runs or tricep dips
  • OR just do a good old fashioned bodyweight workout they can be effective in building muscle, don’t place as much strain on your joints AND can improve your athleticism

OK, so now that we have your at home gym all set up … what’s next?!

One of the biggest tips I’ve been giving my clients is to build your workout time into your daily routine. I recommend thinking in advance about how and when you will fit exercise into your daily routine. Treat exercise like an appointment at first; schedule it into your agenda or phone calendar. Soon your body will find its groove and crave the activity!



OK So we have a designated workout space and have carved out time in our schedules.


But now comes the next hurdle..

What type of workout do you do at home? Without any cardio machines to jump on or your standard strength training machines for designated body parts, working out at home requires some creativity!

Here is a Sample at Home Workout

AMRAP 30 Minute Fit At Home Workout

An AMRAP workout stands for as many rounds as possible. To start this workout, set a timer for 30 minutes and perform the circuit as many times as possible! Also, remember that rest is important! Pace yourselves and take rest when you need it! It’s up to you to determine the difficulty of your workout.

  • Tricep Kickbacks SS Tricep Dips (10 each)

    Hinge at your hips, bend elbows to 90 degrees, keep them pinned to your sides and extend back. All movement is coming from the elbow joint!
    You can do your tricep dips from a chair, couch, or off your stairs! Remember, when you’re doing your dips make sure your elbows are extending backwards rather than flaring out!

  • Lateral Box Runs (on stairs) (20 total- UP,UP, DOWN, DOWN= 1)

    Straddle your step, and go up, up, down, down as quickly as possible.

  • Wide Squat to Narrow Squat with DB at chest or at sides (10 total)

    Start in a wide squat (1.5 x shoulder width) squat down, staying in a bit of a squat step feet close together and squat down again! Wide to Narrow! Keep constant tension and place the majority of your weight in your heels. This will activate your glutes.

  • Bear Plank Walks ( 5 total, 5 crawls forward, 5 crawls back= 1)

    From hands and knees, raise up hovering over the ground, crawl forward, keeping hips level and bum down. SLOW AND CONTROLLED.

  • Walkdown + Opposite Toe Tap (10)

    From a standing position, crawl out into a tall plank, crawl back in tapping the opposite toe with your hand and repeat. Remember, to keep your core engaged!

  • 10 fast feet + 1 squat jump (10)

    Drop down into a small squat, stay light on your feet and move feet as quickly as possible! After you perform 10 fast feet, jump up to perform 1 squat jump, make sure you land back into your squat.

Kick some butt ladies! If you’re ever looking for any more helpful tips and tricks for getting fit at home feel free to check out Alexandra Lynn Fitness on Instagram or Facebook. If you’re finding yourself in a good fitness grove and want to try your hand at some proper nutrition to go along with your new healthy habits check out my beginners guide to meal prep! Let’s use this time in our lives to create some healthy habits!

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