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Five Things to Start Doing Today

Five Things to Start Doing Today

Let’s talk about five things to start doing today that will make a positive impact on you! But first, lets chat about January, it has always been my least favourite month of the year. You’re coming off the high of the holidays and settling in to a new year. You wrestle with your commitment to your new years resolutions and try hard to stick to your “new year new me” goals. So I welcome February with open arms! But let’s get into why you’re here – for five things you can start doing to day to make a positive difference on you without being preachy about the whole new year new me thing. It’s February let’s start anew.

1. Create a Greenspace

If you have acquired more plants over the past 12 months, you are well aware that plants require a lot of care and attention. If you’ve seen the demise of one, you might be hesitant to grow your plant collection. I’ve found this great resource that breaks down the need and care of each plant to help you take care of your green space. Give it another try, there are so many positive impacts that come from having a little bit of green around the house.

2. Work on your fitness

With the weather getting colder and the reality of gyms being closed due to the pandemic, I have resorted to completing my workouts online and at home. On the bright side, there are a lot of resources available online that provide free options for you to get your work out in from the comfort of your own home. Never underestimate what a quick sweat can do for your mood and your bod!

If you need any fitness tips, check out the 5K running guide for beginners or 6 mini workouts. 

3. Pick up a new hobby

Now is the time to pick up a new hobby! Find something you’re interested in and do it! If you’ve always wanted to learn an instrument, paint or master a great dish, now is as good as time as ever. Rather than waste the night away watching netflix, you can develop your skills and pick up a new hobby! Pursue your interests it’s so good for your overall wellbeing and such a nice creative outlet, especially during these uncertain times.

If learning to cook is on your list of passions head over to Rilley’s post here for all things comfort food!

4. Make a Vision Board

Now is the time to start planning your future. Investing in a vision board, and the idea of putting your ideas and goals to pen and paper can play a great part in visualizing your dreams of the future. A vision board can act as an aid to remind you of who you want to be, where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. This option allows for you to get a bit crafty all while setting your sights on the future ahead. Vision boards are a good way to set positive goals and work towards achieving them (which also makes you feel good)!

5. 20 Things You Should Say More Often

Life can get so busy that we often forget to be kinder to ourselves and to appreciate the people in our lives. I came across a post on social media that resonated with me and inspired me to adopt a similar list. You can find it here: @mariashriver  

  1. I love you.
  2. I believe in you.
  3. You are worthy and you are deserving.
  4. The best is yet to come.
  5. Stay positive.
  6. I am sorry.
  7. Please and thank you.
  8. How can I help?
  9. I’m here for you if you want to talk.
  10. You can do it.
  11. You’ve got this!
  12. Please forgive me.
  13. I forgive you.
  14. I’ve got your back.
  15. I’m open to your feedback.
  16. I am listening.
  17. You are not alone.
  18. You matter.
  19. Even if we disagree, we can still be friends.
  20. There is greatness inside of you.

Although it is a new year, many of us are still dealing with the challenges from the previous year. In moving forward, I have made a commitment to continue to find the good in the darkness, to be kind irrespective of the way someone treats me and to have faith in humanity. So here are my five things that you can start doing today to make a positive impact on your life!


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