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The Underachiever’s Guide To Isolation

The Underachiever’s Guide To Isolation

guide to isolation

For those of you looking for a quick guide on – how to not completely suck during isolation, I give you “the underachiever’s guide to staying alive and slacking your way to awesome.” If this blog post were an episode of “The Good Place,” it would be “The Medium Place”– you can have your favourite beer but it is warm. If you are looking to keep yourself (and maybe a a few others) alive and fed without too many bumps in the road, then this is the post for you. Read on.

However, if you are looking for motivation on how to be awesome during isolation click here.

Side note: if you haven’t seen The Good Place, now is the time! 

OH and you can also check out Taylor’s watch list while you’re at it, click here. 

Cabin Fever

Has cabin fever left you a little short-tempered? Do you have that sudden spikes in anger and want to calm your nervous system so that you don’t accidentally hit something (besides all the bread we are apparently making during the pandemic)? Real heroes would say do some yoga and or go for a walk. Remember the good old days when we could go for a walk whenever we wanted?

It might sound lame but drink chamomile tea, lots and lots of chamomile tea. You won’t fall asleep (sadly) but it does lessen your urge to harm something. Plus, it helps reduce the amount of coffee that you want to drink. And let’s face it, coffee revs you up even more. Sure, have your daily three cups of coffee but add some chamomile tea to the rotation if you feel your nerves starting to fray.


Do you want to take calming down to a new level? Then here is the best 4-minute yoga video of all-time. Do it with your kids. Great, now you feel like a champion because:
1) you have done yoga, and
2) you just did yoga with your kids.

You are pretty much Gwenyth Paltrow now.

If you’re still looking for a few ways to “de-stress” look no further than here. 



When the internet (and my family) thinks back to isolation and the pandemic they first thing they think of baking bread. Here is the world’s easiest bread recipe. I recommend only making half of the recipe (because we are underachievers for this article). It takes 3 basic ingredients (one of which is the teeniest amount of yeast) plus water. You don’t need to knead and you don’t need to bread pan. Any oven-safe pot/Corningware with a lid will work. Don’t overthink it. Just mix those ingredients together with your hands. Look at you go! You just made bread FROM SCRATCH! You are pretty much Martha Stewart.

Fun Fact: Kate’s legal first name is actually “Martha”

That is it! Now, you too can slack your way to mediocre with this handy guide. Stay safe and stay well my fellow social distancing underachievers! And don’t forget, wash your hands!

P.S. At P&SCo. we practice what we preach. Please enjoy this picture of my mediocre pandemic self with the lazy bread.

guide to isolation
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