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Tips To Increase Your Productivity

Tips To Increase Your Productivity

Tips to increase your productivity- Pretty and Smart Co

How often do you say the words “I am so busy!” ? Ok, let’s be honest most of us live in perpetual state of overload. But the real question is, how productive are we? Being busy and productive are two separate things. If you feel that there aren’t enough hours in a day to accomplish everything you want, then I recommend you carefully follow these 6 tips to increase your productivity.


Write things down 

The first thing you should do in the morning is to write your to-do list. I am amazed by how many people don’t do it and it is a strange concept to them. Writing things down allows you to have a purpose and accountability. I personally prefer writing things on a piece of paper rather than on my phone or computer. In fact, studies have shown that hand writing is better for your brain than typing. It helps with conceptual understanding and retention .

Get yourself a notebook you love and start writing things down asap!


There aren’t enough hours in a day if you are someone who wears multiple hats or live a hustling life. So make sure to prioritize your goals and have a realistic approach about what you can and cannot accomplish in a day. Don’t overload your to-do list. Be ambitious but realistic.


Block time

This on is key! I never thought of it before until I read a post on LinkedIn. Compartmentalize your day in action slots. This is how it looks like to block time: 8:30-9:00 coffee and news / 9:00-9:45 catchup on emails / 9:45-11 email and call follow ups / 11-12 sales calls / etc. Be as strict as possible with this one. It will help you stay focus on the task and value time.


Have a plan

Writing things down is great but without a plan you might not achieve your goals. I like to write things down as subheads then bullet points right below with the steps I need to do to accomplish that task. It truly does help to increase your productivity.


Minimize mindless scrolling 

This is a no brainer yet we are ALL guilty of doing it. There is nothing here to add other than we should all stop pointless social media scrolling during work time. It truly is a time killer. Try to be disciplined and focused on this one.


Take a break

Have you heard of the 52 and 17 rule? It is quite simple: 52 minutes of intense work followed by a 17-minute break. This may look like a lot of down time and your boss might not allow it but it has been proven to make your brain more productive. That is if you truly focus those 52 minutes of work with no mindless scrolling. So if your boss won’t “allow it” maybe try to make it happen by taking a “bathroom and water break”. Use that walk and down time to refresh your mind.


If you can, try to meditate during that break. Try this audiobook for FREE with Audible trial.


Freebies: If you like the tips above , you might also like my Free Go get it Productivity Kit. Make sure to download it and to start applying these tips to increase your productivity today.

Book recommendationDeep Work by Cal Newport.I haven’t read the book yet but it is in my to-do list (my husband read it, and loves it!). In the mean time, here are some key takeaways .

Deep Work by Cal Newport

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