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21 Ways to Make 2021 a Better Year

21 Ways to Make 2021 a Better Year

Here are 21 ways to make 2021 a better year than 2020 because I think everyone can agree this was not the year we had in mind. I’ve never been big on “New Year’s resolutions” I have always loathed the whole “new year new me” thing. However, this year I think that these 21 goals will serve as inspiration for the year ahead and you can start them at any time not just at the arbitrary stroke of the clock hitting midnight on January 1st.  

Last year around this time I put together a post on goal getting in the new year. 

Rather than setting ridged resolutions let’s focus on being goal getters this new year. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a “new you” this year, but just trying to be better in every way you can. You don’t need to set unrealistic resolutions or be hard on yourself for letting some of them go. Think of the new year as a way to set goals that you strive to be the most ideal version of you. 

I think this advice still rings true. Last year I told myself I needed to volunteer more, exercise more, cook at home more and look for the good. Upon reflection, these goals actually aged quite well, sure the whole getting to the gym thing was a little difficult but I got creative. This year, I am going to put these 21 goals into a few different categories, and as always take what you want and leave what you don’t. 


1. Start the business you’ve been afraid to start. Worst case scenario it doesn’t work out, best case scenario it does. It’s not win or lose here it’s win or learn. 

2. Get serious about your work life balance. Even for those of us who are lucky enough to do what they love it’s still good to take breaks, rest and recharge. 

3. Organize. Organize your desk, your work and your life. That’s the only way you’re going to thrive, get rid of the distractions. 

4. Invest in yourself. This could mean taking a course, learning something new or saving more money. Do it. 

5. Change careers if you want to. No you’re not too old, sunk cost theory doesn’t apply here. If you want to move on and you don’t it’ll cost you your soul.

6. Work hard. No matter what you do, do it well.


7. Be a better friend. It’s hard and maybe even a LITTLE cliché but be the friend you’d like to have (a lot cliché so what).

8. Love a little harder. Don’t be afraid to let the people you love know how much you love them.

9. Set boundaries. Don’t be afraid to say no to things you don’t want to do. 

10. Reach out to someone you miss even if it’s been a long time. Old friends are so important. 

11. Check on your loved ones, even if you can’t be with them in person. Send them a text, write them a letter or pick up the phone. 

Personal Development 

12. Stick to a sleep schedule. Yes, even on the weekend.  

13. Drink water, you will feel better and you will look better, plus it’s really easy.

14. Eat better, your future self will thank you.

15. Move your body and keep moving it. Everyday. 

16. Start a journal. If this is new to you here are some tips on how to start. 

17. Practice self care. The good kind of self care, not just eating bad saying it’s self care, do something really good for yourself. Stretch, practice some yoga, watch the sun rise or set, meditate, read, get a massage or do a face mask. Here are a few other ideas. 

18. Set long term goals. Then establish ways to achieve them, then make those tasks as small as you can get them. Then start checking things off. Good things happen gradually. 

19. Do something for someone else at least once a month. It doesn’t matter how big or how small. 

20. Volunteer time and/or money to a cause you care about. It is so much better to actually be virtuous than to virtue signal. 

21. Get to know yourself, then be yourself. 

If any of this resonates with you, start before you’re ready. That’s it from me, 21 ways to make 2021 a better year than 2020 and I hope you find something in here that works for you. Here’s to hoping that 2021 is happier, healthier and more productive. Take care of yourself and if you can, someone else too. 

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