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Put More Pep In Your Meal Prep

Put More Pep In Your Meal Prep

One of the things I do that helps me stay organized is meal prep my work lunches.

If you’re like the rest of the world you know that work lunches can be boring, but with these products hopefully we can put a little more pep in your meal prep. I am one of those people who loves to maximize my productivity and automate my life as much as possible so I would much rather spend an hour or two on Sunday night prepping, than scrambling on Tuesday morning about what I am bringing for lunch (we’ve all been there). I am such a believer in the phrase “a sunday well spent means a week of content”.

Guilty… I have sloppily ate a sad salad at my desk far too many times BUT there are so many other options!

Lunches can be easy and not just sad salads. My go to is cooking a couple of chicken breasts to split up for lunches and a few eggs to have ready for a fast breakfast (feel free to substitute your own protein this is just what works best for me). Then I make some rice or quinoa to add as a side. Finally, I cut up a bunch of fresh veggies and put them in a container for snacks so they are ready to go. If I do end up having a salad week I add either chickpeas or beans and some avocado to keep things interesting. 

If you’re looking to save some time scrambling in the mornings, save money on buying your lunch and eat healthier homemade food, here are a few procuts I use that could help you prep. Mixing up your lunches from the typical green salad is another way to add some pep to your prep!

This Bento box is perfect for lunch prep.

You can easily get all of your food groups in, it has room for snacks and it’s super cute. There are different compartments so you can split up your grains, proteins and vegetables according to your desired portion.

Glass containers are an essential for all of your meal prep needs.

These glass containers are super cute and add all the pep. They are great to clean (dishwasher safe) and you can even put them in the freezer if you need to! The soft pink is classy and feminine. The different sizes are great if you like variety and bring several snacks. I usually use mine for cut up veggies, berries and crackers. 

Salad dressing/condiment containers.

I usually use these containers for different salad dressings but you can also use them for different dips like hummus or tzatziki. I love having dips handy for my veggies and crackers. They are leak proof and hold the perfect amount of dressing. I also only bought the four back which means worst case scenario I can only end up bringing salad four days a week! 

A lunch bag.

It can be nerve wracking putting your lunch in your purse, especially if you walk on your commute your lunch moves around if your bag. The last thing you want is a spill, I always put my lunch in a lunch bag. You don’t have to look like a fifth grader mine is super cute and very similar to this one. I personally think this one is very cute for fall! 



Hopefully these products help put that pep in your meal prep. Don’t let sad salad get in the way of prepping your lunch. If you want to look at more tips for a productive work week look no further than here

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