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Carry-on Travel Essentials

Carry-on Travel Essentials

Carry-on travel essentials

A Traveller’s Guide to Packing Your Carry-on Essentials


A word that used to spark so much happiness now leads to feelings of insecurity. With the advice from professionals leaning towards staying home, it’s hard to know what is and isn’t acceptable. However, even if you’re not flying to an exotic country this year, you may want to fly within Canada or take a train to a different city. Whatever your travel plans may be, best to pack in your carry-on, the travel essentials to avoid being unprepared.

After having my luggage lost and delayed on several trips, I have become a star carry-on packer. Preparation is the key to an exceptional travel experience.

Here are a few tips for packing your carry-on for your next adventure.

carry-on travel essentials

A change of clothes in your carry-on

You never know when your luggage may not meet you at your next destination. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination and spend three days in your travel clothes. If you haven’t read my blog post on my trip to Paris, then take a read. I landed in Paris ready to take on the night life, and sadly my luggage had other ideas. I ended up spending a pretty penny on a new wardrobe #LessonLearned.


PPE: Face mask, gloves and hand sanitizer for the whole family

We are traveling in a unique time and a mask and gloves are sadly part of our new reality. Be prepared with yours as some businesses may not allow you entry. If you need kids travel masks, many small businesses are making custom masks in different materials. Check out a local face mask designer.



When you are dealing with limited space in your carry-on, sometimes the sustenance can be left out. However, if you get delayed on the tarmac (especially if travelling with kids) you will want to ensure you have snacks to keep your family satisfied. Granola bars, crackers and water bought post security are some great ideas carry-on snacks. Some airlines are not doing drink or food service, so if you get hungry on a flight, you will need to be prepared with your own snacks. I also always recommend having some gum in your bag!


Ear plugs and face mask

One thing I absolutely love about flights and long train rides, is the quiet time. I am one of those people who sit on a plane with my blanket, book and journal and avoid screens. It is time for me to read and relax until I am sleepy, and then I throw on my mask and ear plugs to take a nap. The night before my trip to China, I stayed up all night to help drain my energy for the flight. It definitely helped. But you can’t control who is sitting around you, and if you need to blur out the background noise or shield your eyes from the sunshine, this will do the trick.


Gravol, advil and imodium

I never travel without these three medications. They are all over the counter and life savers. On my way home from China, I ordered a delicious meal on the plane and of all the places I ate, I got food poisoning on my 24 hour flight. I was in rough shape and these three medications made it possible for me to get through the flight and home with limited issues. You never know what you’re going to encounter while you’re away from home so be prepared by having these three!


Travel wipes

Before you get comfortable in your seat, it doesn’t hurt to give the surfaces a wipe down. I have seen travelers wiping down their tray tables and windows. I have ordered several wet-wipes packages off Amazon to ensure my carry-on bag is well stocked this summer.


A reusable straw

Depending on your comfort level, you may not want to remove your mask when enjoying a drink. Reusable straws allow you to drink and wear at the same time! Supplies on trains and airplanes are low, so don’t rely on that if you want to avoid putting your mouth on glasses.


Be cautious, and enjoy your summer. If you travel, near or far, stay safe and be prepared! Having all of these carry-on travel essentials packed in your bag can save you time, stress and money. I would love to know what you pack in your carry-on bags! Leave a comment below and let me know.



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