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Halloween 2020 – Celebrating Safely

Halloween 2020 – Celebrating Safely

Halloween 2020

My anxiety regarding the Halloween 2020 season has been slowly growing since approximately mid-August. It really is the ideal year for Halloween. The kids have been under increased security measures since winter. Their excitement for something…anything is at an all-time high, and what’s more – this year, it just happens to fall on a SATURDAY. Unfortunately, my anxiety was right, most of us will be celebrating under some form of pandemic restrictions/enhanced safety measures, but let’s not let it ruin our tricks or our treats! Check out my ideas below for how to celebrate Halloween 2020 safely:

1) Host a “Neighbourhood Friends-Only” Celebration in a Park/Soccer Field

I live in a small town, but I understand that although we live in a small community, our comfort level with the traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating may be different this year, and I’m mindful of this. Knowing however, that my own neighbourhood is FULL of small children, a friend within my subdivision reached out to me not long ago to gather ideas for activities open to children in our neighbourhood only. In brainstorming, we came up with the following ideas to give the kids in our neighbourhood the Halloween they deserve:

  • Photo Backdrop at the Gazebo in the Park – Several neighbours have offered to pitch in with decorative pieces (i.e. hay bales, pumpkins, corn stalks etc.) to provide families with a picture-perfect outdoor location to take family photos. Families are free to drop-in throughout the day to take some snapshots at their leisure;
  • Spooky Pumpkin Walk – In providing the littles a fun activity leading up to the big day, families are welcome to showcase a carved pumpkin or two on a pathway in our neighbourhood. A friendly neighbourhood competition to carve the spookiest/funniest/craziest pumpkin will have the little ones on their toes in anticipation!
  • Scavenger Hunt – A downloadable scavenger hunt is available to families with little ones to search for spooky props within our neighbourhood throughout the day. Should the little ones be brave enough and clever enough to find all hidden items – moms and dads can reward with some sweets upon returning home for the evening!

2) Self-Serve Candy Bags

Feeling a bit uneasy with the ghosts and goblins banging on your door all evening long? Send a well-received message to your local ghouls by creating candy bags in advance and displaying at the edge of your driveway. Those who choose to celebrate in the traditional door-to-door style celebrations will get your drift, and walk away contented regardless. To detour greedy ghouls – display a sign indicating “ONE BAG ONLY.” Then of course, keep a watchful eye on your stash from behind a door or window. Alternatively – set up a speaker next to your candy display and deliver friendly warnings to insatiable guests from behind closed doors.

3) Special Delivery!

If the kids are really yearning for a door-to-door trick-or-treating experience this year, why not improvise? Coordinate curbside drop offs with neighbourhood friends and relatives! Do this throughout the day giving the little ones an opportunity to give and receive some goodies without face-to-face interaction. If the kiddos are longing to showcase their costumes as well – text/call the friend/relative upon arrival to allow the little ones an opportunity to show off their costume standing next to a window!

4) Zoom Halloween Parties

If your little ones are newer to Halloween traditions and expectations aren’t too high…you may be able to get away with hosting a Halloween party on Zoom! Invite 5 or 6 of your little ones’ buddies/neighbours to a virtual Halloween celebration in costume. Using the “breakout rooms” feature, incorporate some fun games and activities and/or trivia to keep the tricks rolling! Ensure the parents of all guests have a candy-stash on standby as rewards for winning games and activities.

5) Neighbourhood Costume Parade

Who says Halloween celebrations must begin in the evenings? What about incorporating some daytime fun by hosting a neighbourhood exclusive costume parade for the little ones! Turn up the fun by inviting viewers to leave candy for participants at the end of their driveways. Or for safe parental pick-up on behalf of the little ones. This may require a bit more coordination to ensure parade participants remain socially distanced but the excitement of this activity for little ones cannot be understated!  Looking for an easy last-minute Halloween costume idea? Check out this article for some easy, inexpensive DIY alternatives.

6) Drive-by Haunted House

If you’re used to being “THAT” house in your neighbourhood, that always went above and beyond with the spooky outdoor decorations – why put a halt on the tradition this year? Thanks to social media – it’s now easier than ever to get the word out. Invite community guests to check out your latest outdoor design from the comfort of their vehicle; and once again this activity can be enjoyed throughout the day to ensure everyone is able to visit safely at their leisure.

While Halloween will likely look a bit different this year for everyone, don’t let it dim your lantern lights. Embrace the challenge of creating new traditions with your littles ones while keeping everyone’s health and safety top of mind. Have an idea not mentioned above? I encourage you to share any safe ideas in the comments section.  And lastly, if Halloween’s just not your thing – check out Cassandra’s Fall Watch List: The Best of Netflix and patiently await a jollier holiday ahead (ho ho ho!).  Have a safe and happy Halloween 2020!

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