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How to Avoid COVID Burnout

How to Avoid COVID Burnout

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Looking to know how to avoid COVID burnout? Let’s unpack this.

Why you may be feeling the strain of lockdown extra this week

On Friday of last week, I found myself in an unfamiliar position. Curled up in my son’s toys with tears coming down my face. He played and my husband distracted him while rubbing my leg. I usually don’t feel disappointment like this. I usually don’t feel depressed, but in this moment enough was enough and I seemingly had reached COVID burnout. A far departure from two weeks before where I felt happy, inspired and motivated. What had changed? What lead me emotionally and mentally to be overwhelmed and unable to cope?

I did some major reflecting.  I wanted to identify what actions and thoughts lead me to be less happy one week than I was the week before.

The Entrepreneurial Let Downs

Letdowns and rejection are part of an entrepreneur’s life. You are constantly striving to be better, do more, increase your business and the list runs on. These goals take energy and creativity. I love spending time with other people who run businesses because they get it.

They know what it’s like to be an ideation lab, a think tank, a CEO and a labourer all in one.

I love this lifestyle for many reasons, but without proper support and time off, it can lead to an inferno of the mind. Sometimes when things aren’t coming together, I picture a car in the winter, where the tires are spinning. When things are clicking, I am in a Lamborghini on a racetrack in California. These visualizations help me know where I am at. In pre COVID days, when I felt myself spinning tires, I would take a physical break. A vacation, a night away, a day planned at a spa. Therapy. Something outside of myself to help encourage the positive and release the negatives.

I learned years ago “Learn to rest, not quit”. And the sentiment has helped me build my business.

The Lockdown Effect

Where I live there has been an increase in lockdown measures. This has been difficult. We are still isolated from friends and extended family and that is taking a toll. Some people have completely locked down and isolated, while others remain in a bubble. Either way, our interactions are limited, and missing simple pleasures is on everyone’s mind. These lockdown measures are not healthy and are leading to varying degrees of COVID burnout.

So how can we get back on track?

1. Plan the most exciting day you can plan right now

If you ask yourself “what is the most exciting thing I can do today?” you will come up with an answer. Do it. It may be difficult because of work, school, kids. Whatever. Plan a day that is focused on making yourself happy. No other goals. In North America we have this guilt around productivity. If we are not producing and staying on track, we are somehow less worthy. If the laundry piles up and the dishes are dirty for a day, we are losing control. These are expectations that we set for ourselves and hold ourselves accountable for. In times like right now. The expectations need to relax.

2. Plan something specific for the future

One of my biggest pleasures was booking vacations. I would begin planning vacations months in advance. Looking through all the hotel photos. Envisioning the surroundings of our hotel. Planning “daily ideas” (Not an itinerary for my husband’s sake). I felt excited and inspired by a vacation like this for months in advance. I was always asking for peoples travel opinions and experiences. Trying to figure out the best destination and next destination. These seemingly small actions provided me with months of joy. So I am going to start planning my next one. Even though, the timeline is not clear, that is okay. I am going to set a hopeful date, and plan for it. If it needs to be delayed, that’s fine, nothing will be booked until later. But the planning will help me remember that there is more to life. Whatever it is that sets your soul on fire, start planning for it now.

3. Book a staycation

Prior to the full lockdown and stay at home order, we needed a vacation. My birthday was also on the horizon and I wanted to celebrate this year. I booked us a “trip” to Malibu in Niagara Falls to stay in an Airbnb that was private, lake front and romantic. My husband, son and I brought dress clothes (I even brought my ridiculous club days heels), activities and workout clothes. In the past, I would be hopeful for a big night out, a winery tour, a fancy dinner, but we wanted to play it safe so we prepared accordingly. The change in our scenery was so much fun. We walked to new parks, sat beachfront, explored new trails. I felt alive and happy. Truthfully I wanted to just stay there, tucked away in our slice of heaven.  I highly recommend that when you feel safe to do this, you book a staycation for yourself and your family.

Here are more Summer Staycation Ideas

Avoid Covid burnout with these five tips
We relocated our trio to a secluded Niagara beachfront house to celebrate my birthday and avoid covid burnout.
4. Exercise

Walking, running, yoga, being outdoors is key. I try to ensure I go outside for a walk with my stroller and baby every day. Especially on the days where I really don’t feel like going, because those are the days I need it the most.

5. Reflect

You are wearing many hats right now. You are dealing with daily insecurities and problems being broadcast on the news. Make sure to take some time without screens. Take time to reflect. We will get through this and there will be better days ahead. Don’t lose sight of what is waiting for us on the other side of this pandemic.

Please remember:

Avoiding COVID burnout may not be simple, but it is possible.

Mental health is as important as physical health.

Plan intentional actions to care of your mind, body and relationships.

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