In looking back on 2020 it’s safe to say that this year has brought many challenges, trials and tribulations for everyone. In light of 2020 coming to an end, here is what I have learned this year and what I will carry forward with me in the new year.
1. Don’t sweat the small stuff
It is not worth your energy or time. Life is too short to spend endless hours stressing about what could have been or should have been. Feeling anxious about the future and what could be will dissuade you from living in the moment. Dwelling on the past leaves you wondering what could have been and that’s not productive either. Thus, focus on the present, let go of all expectations and trust that what is meant to be will be. Find comfort in that everything happens for a reason and that good things are coming to you.
2. Never forget who was there when you needed them most
Life is busy. We all have priorities and are juggling various responsibilities and busy schedules—whether it be our work life, relationships or our families. Although it is important to acknowledge that you are not everyone’s priority, you still need to recognize who you can lean on when life gets tough.
Never loose sight of the important people in your life that ground you and make you who you are. Once you realize this you can focus your energy into fostering those relationships.
It is important to realize that only few care while many are just curious.
3. Prioritize your happiness
Stop apologizing for being unavailable and start saying “no” to anyone or anything that does not serve your purpose or bring you happiness.
If I have learned anything this year it is to put myself first. Endlessly bending over backwards to accommodate other people and over-stretching myself not only brought me to further ends of exhaustion but made me realize that I cannot help others unless I help myself first. You cannot fill someone else’s cup when yours is empty.
No one will ever love you as much as you love you. It is easier to give love when you respect yourself and set boundaries. Always remember to prioritize yourself, your goals and happiness.
You mustn’t put energy into negative people, bad situations or anything that is not serving you and your purpose. Rather, use this energy towards developing new skills, picking up a new hobby or fostering other worthwhile relationships—including the one you have with yourself. Get out there and fill up your own cup!
4. Don’t let the darkness of the world turn you bitter
2020 was a heavy year, in so many ways and to so many different degrees. With all the bad and hate in the world, it is easy to become negative, to loose faith and be jaded. But do not let all of this take away from your light. Remain positive and always be kind. Be happy, not because of the good, but because you see the good in the bad. Find the positive in each day. It’s not always going to be easy to do this, but make the effort to try.
5. Don’t settle for less
Stop settling for the bare minimum—in work, in relationships and in life. Stop settling for less than what you deserve and stop allowing others to control the situation. Move on because you deserve to be appreciated and reminded of how special you are. Not everyone deserves to have access to you or be apart of your story.
Learn to walk away from anything and everything that no longer serves you, your goals, your dreams and the life that you want for yourself.
6. Life is too short, don’t wait!
Tomorrow is not guaranteed and everything is temporary. Do not wait to take a risk. Jump before you are ready because otherwise you could wait for forever for the “perfect timing.” You can always find an excuse to not do something.
You do not grow in your comfort zone. Do not wait to tell someone how you feel about them. Take that trip, try that new hobby, apply for the job you have always wanted. Life is too short and you would rather look back and think “oh well” rather than “what if.” Life passes you by regardless, and nothing is ever guaranteed. Take a few risks here and there and who knows where your path will lead you.
7. Don’t give up
No matter how many detours on your path you are forced to take or how many wrongs you have made right, you will always figure a way out of a difficult situation. Keep getting up and trying your best because once you have made it, it’ll all be worth it.
You’ll be happy you didn’t give up when things get tough. Be strong and believe in yourself!
Much of life can be missed if we are regretting choices we have made in the past and worry about what the future holds. Do not ruin today by worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. Appreciate the little things, live in the moment and be present.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”
– Ferris Bueller
So that’s my take, looking back on 2020 and moving forward into 2021. If you’re looking for a few other tips and tidbits to carry with you as we turn the page on this year check out this post on Grit: Passion and Perseverance.