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Three Professional Habits You Need To Hone

Three Professional Habits You Need To Hone


Let’s talk about three habits you need to get the hang of, to better your personal and professional life. Honing these habits will make you a better friend, but also better in the workplace. The best part is that while they are simple, they are really impactful. Whether you’re fresh out of college, and just joined the workforce or you’ve got years of experience under your belt, these three habits will level you up. And of course, there is no time like the present, which means anytime is a crucial time for self improvement.

Be on Time 

This is SERIOUSLY the most important one in my opinion. People who are constantly late can be thought of as inconsiderate at best. And no, I don’t mean being “fashionably late” to a Saturday night party. I don’t mean the person who is on the occasion late either!

I mean those, late to everything people (we all know them). Not that I consider being late a character flaw, but there are many people who do. Being on time is so important. Making a habit of being on time shows that you respect the other person you respect their time. Whether that be a new client meeting, a coffee with a mentor or even a spin class. The same thing rings true, people want their time to be respected and there is no other way to show it better than being on time. 

If you’re one of those people who are chronically late – figure it out. Being on time is a habit, plain and simple. So make the necessary adjustments to get in the habit. Whether that means you need to prep everything the night before a big meeting, figure out exactly how long it’s going to take to get to work on time, or pick out your work out clothes ahead of time so you get to that class. If you’re constantly late figure out where out wrong and adjust accordingly. If you need a list of ways to get in the habit of being ontime click here. Who shows up on time is taken into consideration when managers are looking at promotions and by friends are looking to make plans. It is so important to master this habit, it will pay dividends in both your professional and personal life. I always try to be about 15 minutes early because you never know what could delay you! 

Get it Done 

Mark Twain famously said, that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you. Not that any of us are (hopefully) eating live frogs, but this carries weight – get the hard stuff out of the way. If the worst thing you have to do all day is that 30 minute cardio session, or if it means answering those emails that you “didn’t get around to” get it done first thing! Before your day drags you in nine different directions, your phone starts going off and you lose you focus (and let’s be honest motivation) get up and metaphorically eat your frog.

For me personally this means not hitting snooze, making my bed, showering and then writing out my days “to do list”. Organizing my day this way allows me to be intentional with my time and sets me up for a more streamlined day. I have a clear list of everything I need to do in a day. With no room to procrastinate and to be honest I don’t really feel the need to when I know exactly what tasks I have to complete. Plus checking things off my list means I split my work up into bite sized chunks and nothing is super overwhelming. Getting this done is a habit, once you do this it’ll change your life and increase your productivity. 

Be Confident 

Nothing sets you back like that little voice in your head. I am telling you to get into the habit of “getting out of your own way”. Let me first say, yes you are going to make mistakes. That is totally fine. Now once we have come to terms with the fact that you will mess up once in a while, let’s talk about the fact that you are where you are, because you worked to get there (mistakes included). Be confident in your decisions, your opinions and most importantly the way you carry yourself. Ditching the idea of being perfect is HARD, but it is so freeing. 

Confidence is the most defining factor between those who get what they want, and those who don’t. Do not let yourself lose out on what you want because you lack confidence. If you feel yourself questioning or doubting yourself remember, confidence is a habit! You just need to get in the habit of being confident. Think long about your goals and remind yourself that you are worthy of achieving them. Reframe any negative thoughts in a positive light and challenge yourself. This might not come as easily to some people as it does to others, but keep at it and you’ll master the art of confidence. Refining this habit is what will get you closer to getting what you want and achieving your goals. 

These three tips are for everyone. As we all carry on in our lives and careers we all yearn for self betterment. You don’t have to move mountains to start being a better version of yourself. Sometimes all it takes is to work on being a better you are small adjustments like the ones here. Keep these habits in mind and you’ll see for yourself. If you’re looking for more than just habits, check out a few goals linked here and really challenge yourself. And remember if you need a break take a break, but don’t give up! 

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