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Easy Goals To Accomplish Before The End Of The Year

Easy Goals To Accomplish Before The End Of The Year

Easy Goasl To Accomplish Before the End of the Year- Pretty and Smart Co

With 2020 just around the corner, you might find yourself a little anxious thinking about what’s next. You might be reflecting on this past year or already thinking of the coming year and New Year’s Resolutions. While Jan. 1, 2020 is here in less than two months, the year has not ended yet! And you don’t need to wait for a magic date to start working towards improving yourself. So let’s end 2019 with a bang by following these easy goals to accomplish before the end of the year.


  1. Clean up your social media

For many of us, social media is something that we didn’t grow up with and took us awhile to figure out. Or perhaps you grew up with it since your teenager years (Facebook launched over 10 years ago after all) and use it as an extension of yourself. We all use it in different ways and for different reasons but one thing is for sure, social media did not come with an instruction manual. Now that social media is part of all of our lives, it is important to understand that is an important reflection of who we are. It can be used as a business tool or a great addition to your resume. Regardless whether or not you use it for those reasons, let me tell you straight up- employers do use it for that purpose. Therefore, whether you are on the job hunt or not, either your current employer or a future employer will be looking at it. So please, make sure you use your social media in a smart way. Not only the pictures that you post but your comments and status. Yes, remain authentic. But, make sure it is still somewhat polished. 



  1. Create a budget

Have you checked your finances lately? Those $5 Starbucks coffee can be a money pit. It took me being on maternity leave to realize how badly it was hurting my bank account. I would literally buy coffee EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.  Sometimes, more than once. I did have an early afternoon coffee often to help me finish the day. If we calculate only the morning coffees at $5 for 20 days a month (let’s say Monday to Friday for four weeks-but really is more than that) that would be minimum $100/month or $1,200/year. I just booked a nice 5 star all-inclusive resort for $1450 with flights and all. So yeah, priorities? Make that budget girl! You’re richer than you think. (Thanks Scotiabank for that tagline!)



  1. Check your credit score

When is the last time you checked your credit score? A million years ago probably. You should check right now! It’s crazy how quickly it can take a hit. Did you know that applying for credit hits your credit score? Did you know that even if you pay all of your credit cards on time, etc. having too much credit hurts your credit score? Your credit score is sooo important. Maybe you are planning on buying a house soon, or do some renos to your home and need that line of credit. Whatever the reason may be, you need to ALWAYS have a good credit score because you never know when you will need to borrow. 



  1. Update your resume

It is good to be prepared for all eventualities and you never know when a good opportunity will come knock at your door. Having a fresh resume comes in handy.



  1. Organize your closet 

This is something that I do on a regular basis but I like to do a more intense deep cleaning when the seasons change or the new year comes. Starting your day with an organized closet makes things so much easier to prep in the mornings. And who knows, maybe you are growing out of the phase you are currently in and realize you are due for a new style. So this is also an opportunity to look at what you have, what you need and maybe give a hint to the boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/whoeveryouwanttodateitsyourright for a Christmas gift.



  1. Throw out old underwear and mismatched socks

Old overused (maybe even stained, I know gross but accidents happen and you know I’m just being real) underwear are not sexy. And mismatched socks are an unnecessary burden and frustration added to your life. Get rid of them. Clean that drawer and go get those sexy panties. (ps: my definition of sexy includes comfortable. I mean who really here thinks wedgies are comfortable?)



  1. Get a planner

Just get the planner! Stop treating your life like it’s the Amazing Race by trying to piece things together on a crunch time to achieve your goals. Get organized girl! And do not overload yourself. Be ambitious but realistic (check out my tips to increase your productivity ). We all want to be Wonder Woman, and frankly, we already are. We are amazing multi-taskers and get so much done. But that glass of Rosé won’t drink itself! Relax. Have a drink. It’s cheaper than a shrink.



  1. Schedule a physical

Your health matters. It is the foundation of everything in this life. So take good care of yourself and make sure you are doing well. Also, depending on your age, remember to take regular mammograms. It is recommended that women ages 45 to 54 should have a mammogram each year and those 55 years and over should continue getting mammograms every 1 to 2 years. (source: WedbMD)



  1. Donate to cause you care about

It is nice to have strong opinions but it is also important to put your money where your mouth is. Sitting here and complaining about whatever it is that ticks you won’t help whatever cause you believe in. Whether it is a political stance, a social cause or whatever else, giving a small donation goes a long way.  A Facebook friend recently had a birthday and requested that in lieu of gifts, to please make a small donation to a cause he cared about. It totally aligned with one of the causes I care about. I went ahead and donated although I am not close to him, it just felt so good give that small amount for something I believe needs to be addressed ASAP. If you are curious about it, it is the Ocean Clean Up initiative. Plastic pollution really upsets me. If you care about helping out too, here’s the link:   

Alternatively, you can also make political donations to whatever party aligns best with your views. It doesn’t have to go to the actual party but your local candidate. We just went through an election here in Canada and local candidates need funds to be able to run a good campaign. Local campaigns often struggle financially and it can make a difference. 



Now that you have a list of easy goals to accomplish before the end of the year make sure to have timeline and do it all! You will feel so much better and somewhat more accomplished. End the year with a bang! Go get it girl!

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